Tutorial � Rosen, post-Kantian II, Nietzsche birth of tragedy

Greg Detre



standing problem of suffering

escape from our own �

how does Appollonian help with suffering?

helps you access the Dionysian

disagree with Denham � dreams + illusinos, escape into dream world. not escaping from self. able to contemplate in an illusory world of beauty + order + happiness

Greek gods aren't ethically good, don�t� represent a moral framework, but it still provides a way to deal with suffering, at least they�re happy + joyfully capricious, they are beautiful through their freedom of suffering

Appollonian = consolation of dream not intoxication

Attic tragedy embodies both


Socratism � how does it differ

also represents a response to suffering

will to truth � order � meaning + rationale for the suffering

no god as a consolation

suffering as part of an ultimately good order � cf Platonism for the people

for Christ: suffering <- God � The Fall, deserved punishment, Leibniz silver lining, free will + humans as cause of own suffering


BT � proclaims rebirth of German through Wagner tragic, end of Socratism (changes mind), returning to need for mythology

corroded its own basis

Stoics as Socratics � inexorable harmonious inevitabel unfolding of the worldorder, reconcile our own negligibility

= similarly poisonous moral rationale


GM24 � unbelievers, counter-idealists, faith


Kant + Schopenhauer - brought Socratism to an end

undermine faith in 1 true world as opposed to materialism

world as masked and mediated through perception, undermines science

perspecitivsm prototype vs these scientists counter-Idealists

�I didn't need this hypothesis�


optimistic when writing the BT

self-abandonment = new form of authority

open up new mythology to animate art

just as Attic tragedy is undelain by mythology

musical Dionysian expression, Wagner as origin

self-criticism: Schopeanhauerianism + Wagnerism

stays more Schopenhauerian than he admits

but instead we each have to create our own rather than adopt a pre-packaged one

still thinks it will be music/poetry

identifies self with Dionysus

Schopenhauer: music unmediated reality, not emotions

received view is that Greeks from mythos logos

whereas Nietzsche sees the Socratism as arising out of this


will to truth as motivated by search for meaning in suffering


will to art

suspicious of art�s pre-packaged mythology

has no doubt of the value of the artist, but art-spectator may be a bit sheepy

art isn't homogenous � has different motivations

always shaping the world to our will

setting ourselves against reality

but some art is memetic

form of assertion + will


heroes striving Dionysians for the entertainment of the gods???

heroes as important, depictions of a play of forces

masked Dionysian figures

spectator vs artist

satyr�������������������������������������������������������������� NO



breakdown of tragedy as informing modern age



can be positive

can be complacent

able to forgive

live your life forward



German journalist



consolations allowed

Schopenhauer = will � to life???